Premium quality dog food and treats for the right breed and size
Food and water bowls – ceramic and metal bowls clean up better
Safe toys – make sure there’s no lead paint or breakable parts
Dog brush and comb
Dog shampoo
Pooper scooper and biodegradable poop bags
Collar with license and ID tag
Dog nail clippers
Carrier or crate
Dog toothbrush and dog toothpaste
Outdoor dog house
Make sure you have shaded areas outdoors
When you get your dog, take it to a veterinarian for a preventive care exam
Your dog should see a veterinarian at least once a year and when you think it might be sick
Ask your veterinarian for a dog food recommendation of what you should be feeding given your dog’s lifestyle and life stage
Ask your veterinarian for a regular heartworm preventive medication
Ask your veterinarian to microchip your dog so that your dog has a better chance of making back home if it gets lost
If your dog seems to be acting strangely, call your veterinarian right away
Never give your dog medicine unless it’s recommended by a veterinarian. Keep all poisons, like rat poison, away from your pet. If you think your pet has been poisoned, call your veterinarian.
To prevent health problems, females should be spayed and males should be neutered 6 months of age – dogs that are spayed/neutered don’t run away or fight as much
What to feed your puppy or dog
Adult dogs should eat premium-quality dry food. If you want, you can mix the dry food with water, low-salt broth or canned food
Dogs can eat fruits and vegetables – but never more than 10% of their daily diet. See below for a list of foods that shouldn’t be given to dogs.
Puppies need a high-quality puppy food
Avoid “people food” for all dogs and puppies
Dogs and puppies need clean, fresh water available at all times
When to feed
Puppies 8 to 12 weeks old: 3 meals a day
Puppies 3 to 6 months old: 2 meals a day
Puppies 6 months to 1 year: 2 meals a day
Dogs, 1 year or older: 2 meals a day
Large dogs: may need 3 meals a day
House plants
T-shirts or knotted socks. If accidentally chewed apart and ingested, they can become “foreign bodies”, causing your pet to become very ill.
Grapes and raisins
Mouldy or spoiled food
Onions, garlic or chives
Poultry bones
Salty foods or salt
Tomato leaves or stems
Unripe fruit
Yeast dough
Different dogs need different amounts of exercise. Some dogs need a lot. Some dogs get hurt if they exercise too much. Ask your veterinarian what’s best for your pet.
When walking your pet, be careful of ice or snow, or hot pavement
A trained dog is a happy dog! Contact your local humane society or veterinarian to find a training class, which is a good way to exercise and socialize your dog, while also providing mental stimulation!